Wednesday, October 30, 2013


While on the surface relationships look the same

The only thing different being the name

Differences exist and are often quite great

There is no such thing as fate

Being separated from others in the past provided a relief

But this one is different, that is my belief

Being away from my dear

Has made things quite clear

We are not who we were years ago

And I am looking forward to having ring seats at the show

Friday, October 25, 2013

Missing Limbs Thrown at Classmates

So, here I am, sitting in a hotel room in Florida. I feel like I have left a limb in Texas and dread the idea of sleeping alone. Not even a dog for company. I am on the brink of tears, missing someone who I didn't even knew existed six months ago, yet here I feel lost without that familiar lump in the bed or arms surrounding me in the now familiar hug. The smell, the touch, the person. Who would have thought?

Tomorrow marks the beginning of my hell week, also known as residency. I checked in earlier today, setting my eyes upon my classmates for the first time...the same ones whom I have made jerk off motions to while reading their discussion posts online. So, that being said, this week should be interesting.

I have been reminded that I am not allowed to inflict bodily harm OR mental anguish upon my classmates. I foresee sitting on my hands and biting my tongue...better than the other way around I suppose, as my hands are already prone to bleeding. I suppose the fact that I am not staying in the same hotel as my classmates is helpful, as the school arranged a "reduced" rate at the 4-star hotel, which, for the whole week would cost over $1000...absolutely asinine. Instead, I found a hotel about 15 minutes away that has a kitchen in the room, which will allow me to eat healthier and save money. After all, I am a frugal graduate student.

There may be some updates and a lot of tweets, as my usual support system is not here with me :(

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Choo Choo! Time to Get Back on Track!

My journey to health has not been a smooth one, as I too am faced with temptations regularly. However, with recent life changes, these temptations are closer than ever. In the past, I simply kept "bad" food out of the bread, soda, chips, crackers, etc. As such, if it wasn't in the house, I wouldn't be tempted to eat any of it. But here it is, in the house, tempting me. Do I like these things? Oh, yes, indeed I do. However, what I don't like is how they make me feel, the emptiness and guilt associated with them, and the fact that they are not a good source of fuel for my body. Yes, I do think about food as fuel. It is there to allow my body to do the things I want it to do.

With the changes that have happened in my life over the past month, my routine has been thwarted, and as such, my body and mind have suffered. I am a creature of habit, and I thrive on knowing what I am doing for the day, what is expected of me, and all that I need to complete. This includes diet and exercise, as well as my work as a writer. It is time to detox the house and start my routine again. So, in addition to three walks a day with the dogs, I will get back to my workouts, as they are part of what keeps me sane (or relatively so).

Here I come chicken, tuna, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. How I have missed you so!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Steady in a Centrifuge

Yes, it has been a while since my last blog post, but life has a funny way of taking up time. Well, if it wasn't taking up time, I'd be dead. If by such a theory, then if life didn't take up time, am I writing this from beyond the living realm? Perhaps.

School is starting back up this week, and I find myself surrounded by nitwits...again. I often think I am a magnet for such individuals. I also have to attend a residency later this month, which will be a challenge. Not the topic, but rather the interaction I will be required to do with such twats. At least it will be more tolerable, as I have a reason to resist killing or flogging my classmates (or at least to be crafty enough to not get caught).

I made the trek successfully from Oregon to Texas, and am settling in nicely. I have never felt so supported, understood, and appreciated as I do here, which I feel fortunate (and sometimes not worthy). We have our happy, albeit dysfunctional, dog family, who aside from the occasional barking match, get along well. 

Work is picking up again, as just this week alone I have five projects due. It's nice to get back into my routine, as that is how I thrive the most. Some are able to tap into their creativity anywhere and anytime, but that is not my style. In order to write, I need a clear desk, some good audio entertainment to please my ears and stimulate my brain (usually BBC Radio 4, music, or even a Greg Proops podcast...aka "Proopcast"). Some good coffee and a snack are good additions too. By "good coffee," I don't mean some overpriced, over-commercialized trendy brew, but rather a quality bean, freshly ground, and brewed at home in my French press. It is so much better than drip coffee, and not as pretentious as "Starfucks."

Sometimes I think I am just going to school to obtain a piece of paper that will give my writing more credence, as I am not really a "people person," and have zero tolerance for potential clients who either complain about piddly crap or are stuck in the victim role (and happy there). I may be too harsh of a counselor for some clients.

Okay, back to work. Oh, and for any freelance writers out there in the blogosphere, I can recommend the Samsung Chromebook. While I still need to keep my old laptop for a few things (Grammar checking, language translation, and printing), it works well for my needs. It works fast, doesn't make my hands sweat by the heat that accompanies most laptops, and I don't have to worry about losing my work.