Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Well, That Was Short Lived

It appears that my days as quarry girl have come to an end. Last Wednesday I had told them that I had an “appointment” I had scheduled on Friday, as I had no idea what my work schedule would consist of, since they had yet to “officially” start operations. They asked if I could reschedule it, as they would need me there starting Thursday, from 0630 – 1700. Well, as it was really an interview with a company that was closer to my field (psychology), I couldn’t pass it up and told them that I couldn’t reschedule. They said that they would be able to find someone to cover for me that morning, as I told them I would be there by noon.

I ended up working 0630 – 1530 on Thursday and upon arriving home, I received a call from work stating that they wouldn’t need me to come in on Friday after all, as they needed someone there for the day and didn’t want to have someone there just for a couple hours, only to be sent home when I arrived. I asked them about Monday, and they said that someone would call me to let me know when they needed me there on site. Well, it quickly became Sunday afternoon, and without hearing from them I called and left a message stating that I was unsure of the hours for Monday, as nobody had contacted me as of that time.

I was torn as to what the “right” thing was to do, for I usually try to do what’s right, either legally or according to my morals (pesky little things at times). There was a point in my life where that wasn’t the case, but that is for another time. I didn’t know if I should set my alarm for that horrible hour of 0330, which is the time between when the hoodlums run the streets and the birds start their annoying morning chatter. Heck, the sun isn’t even up at that hour, why should I? I finally decided on not setting the alarm for that dreaded hour, but rather a little bit later, as there was a local hotel here that was having open interviews for front desk agent. I figured if the quarry was going to keep me dangling and not value my time and effort, then I may as well move on and keep looking for other employment opportunities.

I donned my interview “costume” and headed over to the hotel. They were holding interviews over the span of three days, two hour blocks each day. I arrived at the beginning of the first block, on the first day, for there was no messing around when it came to job seeking. There were a couple “girls” ahead of me, but it appeared that I was third in line…not bad. I say “girls,” as they are what you picture when hearing the word: long, straight hair and wearing high heels and a skirt. The type that probably has everything in pink. In other words, not me. Sure, I may have my feminine moments, but I am most comfortable in jeans and a hoodie…heck, I have a partially shaved head, but I still like to feel like a girl sometimes.

The person I interviewed with for the position most certainly fit the “girl” description as well. She came up to maybe my shoulder, greeted me with the limpest of handshakes, the kind where I was afraid I would crush her hand if I squeezed too tightly. Yes, I have what some have referred to as “man hands,” but they are still a bit feminine, as my fingers span for miles…and yes, I have been known to palm a basketball. So to have this wee little hand in mine felt like that of a child’s; it didn’t help matters that she had a high-pitched voice reminiscent of sucking helium. 

She asked me a few questions, some of which I KNOW I answered wrong for the position. One of which was about long-term goals, “Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?” The problem with this question is I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO DO, and it’s not working in the hospitality field for minimum wage. I am grateful that people do the job, and I would be thankful to have such a position, as it would equal an income, but I wouldn’t want to do it for the next 5-10 years. We also ran through a little role-playing via a script, where I read the part of the front desk agent and she was the customer. She remarked that I have a lovely voice and read the part well…hmmm, perhaps I should do voice over work? Anyways, she said that they would be making their decision and conducting second interviews with the select few next week. I’m not holding my breath, as it’s only part-time and not for great pay…it wouldn’t even cover my rent.

So, back home I went, where I changed out of my monkey suit and looked online for more employment opportunities. Shortly after my return, I received a call from the quarry office. Being that I have a strong dislike towards confrontation, I let it go through to voice mail. It turns out that they wouldn’t need me again after all. They thought that someone had already called me regarding this matter (which they were wrong…and I’m not surprised, as they seemed to lack communication skills) and would keep my name and number on file just in case another opportunity arose.

I could have let this rejection get to me, but instead, I used my resources. The previous week, a home improvement company which I had interviewed with for a loader position, had called and left me a message regarding a job offer. I hadn’t called them back, as I had found employment. So, being the quick to act person that I am, I called them back and spoke with the woman, inquired as to the availability and said that I would most certainly accept their offer for employment. She asked if I could be there in half an hour or so to fill out the paperwork. It’s funny how true the statement is, “It’s easier to find a job when you have a job,” as that was the case in this instance.

I changed in a hurry and made my way to the store. Turns out, the position is up to 40 hours per week, with better pay, and best of all…indoor plumbing! Heck, they even have a whole section of the store dedicated to such! Had to fill out some papers and take a saliva drug test. I will admit, there have been times where doing such would have caused me great fear, for my past isn’t as angelic as some may think. Do I regret some of the things I have done? NOT. A. BIT. For those experiences have helped to shape who I am; however, I am not my experiences, for there is a huge difference between the two. That will be a whole other blog entry (or two, three, or even ten).

Training for the position starts on Thursday, not sure the hours that I will work or exactly what the job will entail (from my understanding, helping customers load their merchandise into their vehicles and cart wrangling), but it’s a job that pays decent. And for that, I am truly fortunate.


  1. Sweet! Glad to hear something turned up. Funny how it seems to come up at odd times.

  2. I'm happy you're quick on your feet. And I honestly commend you for going with how you felt during the front desk agent interview. I hate the question of where do you see yourself 5-1o years from now? Serious, who gives a shit! Funny because one of my associates believe I should lie in order to get a job that frankly I don't truly want in the first place. Still, I commend you. And I hate lying in anything.

    This is the most truest thing of all: “It’s easier to find a job when you have a job.”

    Glad you have a better-paying job. Send some of your good vibes my way, will ya? :D
