Monday, July 25, 2016

Get your fitness on!

            As I stand here, basking in the post-workout glow that was achieved from doing a HIIT (high intensity interval training) session, I can’t help but think about something that I saw in the world of social media today. It was a meme poking fun at the way one group of individuals (members of Planet Fitness) elected to workout. Sure, I have poked fun at the unique rules that have been put into place at Planet Fitness gyms and would probably not feel comfortable there… not because of the rules, but because I prefer to workout alone, in my garage gym. The only comfort that I would gain from going to Planet Fitness would be due to the fact that their gyms are air conditioned, unlike my garage, which, given the fact that I reside in the desert of New Mexico, gets quite warm during the summer.
            That brings me back to the meme. Just because someone doesn’t workout or train the way you do, it doesn’t make their efforts at health and fitness moot. Heck, I don’t really care for LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio, but do I poke fun at those who do it? No. I am just happy that they are doing something active. While you may enjoy heavy deadlifts and seeing your veins show, others may simply enjoy getting in a little exercise while socializing. Both physical exercise and socializing are beneficial to one’s overall well-being. Me, personally, I enjoy weight lifting, MMA- and athletic training-inspired programs. I like feeling strong and being able to feel like an athlete. Some of my favorite workouts are from Beachbody (no, I don’t want you to be my coach, thank you though): Les Mills Combat, Les Mills Pump, Insanity, and Insanity: Asylum. I’ve completed two Tough Mudders, and hopefully will complete another sometime in the future.

            I’ve noticed that since I have received a diagnosis of a chronic pain condition (fibromyalgia with small fiber neuropathy), it is even more important for me to remain active. However, if someone were to tell me that the only workouts I could do was LISS, I would most likely not be interested in doing it. Despite my preference, there are some days that my pain and physical symptoms are just too much to allow me to do my favorite workouts, leaving me the only option to do LISS. I am still moving. I am still being active. So, before you judge someone as being inferior to you because they happen to belong to a certain gym or prefer a different activity from what you proclaim to be the best, take a second to acknowledge that they may be doing the best they can due to health issues or perhaps, *gasp* enjoy something that you don’t find enjoyable. Congratulate that old biddie doing some power mall least she is being active!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

As stated in the United States Declaration of Independence, there are three rights that are referred to as unalienable, yet many who reside in this country don’t experience the benefits of these rights. The right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness often are pushed to the background, in favor of lobbyists who have their own interests in mind, rather than the individuals whose lives are affected by the choices that are made behind closed doors, often with money changing hands. In effect, this is blood money, particularly in regards to the National Rifle Association, or NRA, which is one of the most influential lobbyists. The NRA spends a tremendous amount of money in order to defend the right for citizens to own weapons of mass destruction, while also working to reduce gun regulations, even when it comes to assault weapons. I don’t think that the Founding Fathers had this level of carnage-capable weapons in mind when they drafted the Amendments. According to recent figures, the NRA spends over $3.3 million annually trying to stop gun regulations, even when most of the registered gun owners in the United States support the use of expanded background checks and other proposed measures. 

Life: The opposite of death

How are people supposed to pursue life when there are bigwigs who are trying desperately to prevent this very thing from happening? People are dying due to the use of guns instead of common sense or effective conflict resolution skills. Sarah Winchester recognized the destruction of lives that were attributed to the Winchester rifle, going to the lengths of constantly building on the house in San Jose, CA in order to appease the spirits of those who died by the very thing that was named after her family. Why is it that she could recognize the death and destruction that is caused by the weapons that bear her namesake, but our current society appears to be blind to the issue? More accurately, the politicians, specifically the Republican party, prefer to have people armed to the gills, while also taking away or reducing access to mental and physical health care.
            Now, this isn’t a post against the Republicans or NRA per se, but more of a way to bring to light the “unalienable rights” that have been squashed by the power of the almighty dollar. When it comes to the pursuit of life, access to health care seems to be a no-brainer, but sadly, even with the recent introduction of the Affordable Care Act, many in this country lack access to sufficient or adequate care. While the rich are able to access any type of healthcare they may want or require, it is the poor who pay the price for the decisions made by those in power. As of February 2016, the Republicans have voted 63 times to limit access to health care services. Sixty three times. Although the Republicans have opposed this plan 63 times, they have yet to bring an alternative plan to the table. The changes wouldn’t affect them, but rather the millions of families that would lose any access they may currently have to the services that help them to sustain life. So, there goes the right to pursue life.

Liberty: Freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control

            Gee, does that sound familiar? In politics, this pertains to both the social and political freedoms that citizens of the United States hold. However, in light of the current political system, it doesn’t appear that this right is achievable. Our current presumptive nominees for the role of the President consist of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, even when other candidates have received higher voter turnouts. Why is it that the “superdelegates” play any type of role in our political system? What ever happened to every vote counting? Our political system appears to be more of a popularity contest, with the one with the most name recognition, winning, despite any of their views, history, or plans for the country.

            Now to the arbitrary government or control aspect...long ago, it was written that there is to be a separation between church and state, but it appears that too has been crossed out in many of the playbooks that our elected officials use to make decisions that affect the citizens who pay their salaries. Many states have placed the lives of those who they are supposed to represent at risk due to the rulings that have been made, often with quotes from the Bible intertwined with the legal standing. This can be seen in the fight against the right to access comprehensive medical care for women, protection for the LBGTQII community, and even legalizing the right for a business to refuse service or insurance coverage if they don’t agree with what’s at hand. There is not a war against Christianity, far from it. There is a war against equality.

Happiness: A mental or emotional state of well-being, defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

            Now, here is where I will put my psychologist hat on. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, there are a few basic human needs that need to be met in order to obtain maximum psychological health and pursue happiness. These include physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and then the ability to self-actualize. Under the physiological needs, you will find food, water, and sleep. Now, let’s look at our current society. Are these needs being met? The answer is no, they are not, and they are not being met for millions of people residing in one of the richest countries in the world. How are we supposed to pursue happiness if we don’t know where our next meal is coming from or if we are going to have a safe place to sleep at night? How about clean water? One just has to look at the events that have taken place in Flint, Michigan, where in order to save a few bucks, the safety of the water and health of the residents were sent into jeopardy without their knowledge. Even more states have been affected by lead-tainted water, with some suggesting that approximately 20% of the water systems in the country have lead levels that trigger the alarm for a call to action.

            Okay, let’s move to safety, which is the second tier of the hierarchy of needs and is considered to be a basic need. This group includes the security of body, employment, resources, family, health, and property. Again, this basic need and requirement to strive or pursue happiness is not being met for millions of people who live in the United States. Rape, violence, outsourcing of jobs, splitting families up due to some biblical passage that is misconstrued in order to fit the needs of the conservatives, the blocking of access to medical care by the Republican party, and the overpriced housing market...this is just a small number of examples that support the idea that the safety aspect of the steps to pursue happiness are road blocked and inaccessible to millions of people.

            In conclusion, there appears to be a great divide between the haves and the have-nots, with the rift growing larger by the day. If these unalienable rights are supposed to be applicable to all, why are just the elites able to ensure that they have all of their needs met, while millions of people watch from afar, unable to have access to the same quality of life? I don’t pretend to have all of the answers, but I do think that instead of making the divide greater in our society, perhaps we need to build a bridge, instead of a wall. We need more peace, love, unity, and respect, not more wars, carnage, and hate. That’s just my 2¢ though. If you have any other suggestions, feel free to comment.