Monday, October 7, 2013

Steady in a Centrifuge

Yes, it has been a while since my last blog post, but life has a funny way of taking up time. Well, if it wasn't taking up time, I'd be dead. If by such a theory, then if life didn't take up time, am I writing this from beyond the living realm? Perhaps.

School is starting back up this week, and I find myself surrounded by nitwits...again. I often think I am a magnet for such individuals. I also have to attend a residency later this month, which will be a challenge. Not the topic, but rather the interaction I will be required to do with such twats. At least it will be more tolerable, as I have a reason to resist killing or flogging my classmates (or at least to be crafty enough to not get caught).

I made the trek successfully from Oregon to Texas, and am settling in nicely. I have never felt so supported, understood, and appreciated as I do here, which I feel fortunate (and sometimes not worthy). We have our happy, albeit dysfunctional, dog family, who aside from the occasional barking match, get along well. 

Work is picking up again, as just this week alone I have five projects due. It's nice to get back into my routine, as that is how I thrive the most. Some are able to tap into their creativity anywhere and anytime, but that is not my style. In order to write, I need a clear desk, some good audio entertainment to please my ears and stimulate my brain (usually BBC Radio 4, music, or even a Greg Proops podcast...aka "Proopcast"). Some good coffee and a snack are good additions too. By "good coffee," I don't mean some overpriced, over-commercialized trendy brew, but rather a quality bean, freshly ground, and brewed at home in my French press. It is so much better than drip coffee, and not as pretentious as "Starfucks."

Sometimes I think I am just going to school to obtain a piece of paper that will give my writing more credence, as I am not really a "people person," and have zero tolerance for potential clients who either complain about piddly crap or are stuck in the victim role (and happy there). I may be too harsh of a counselor for some clients.

Okay, back to work. Oh, and for any freelance writers out there in the blogosphere, I can recommend the Samsung Chromebook. While I still need to keep my old laptop for a few things (Grammar checking, language translation, and printing), it works well for my needs. It works fast, doesn't make my hands sweat by the heat that accompanies most laptops, and I don't have to worry about losing my work.

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