Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Better Late Than Never? Maybe.

Dude. Where to begin? I know I’m a bit of a flake when it comes to posting regular blogs,
** As evidenced by these two sentences and an incomplete sentence, which I started writing SIX DAYS AGO, I really do suck at being consistent when it comes to writing things that are not for work or school **
*** Here it is, the end of the month. I started writing this blog on the 12th of July. It’s now the 31st. Yet another failed attempt at trying to be consistent. ***
Image result for time flies
However, is it really a failure if I was able to work on a few things aside from what I was intending to complete? I am currently in my second to last course required for my MS in Clinical Psychology, with an added specialty of Applied Research. It feels like I have been chugging away in grad school for eons. One course after another that has nothing to do with my desired profession. Sometimes it just seems utterly pointless to throw money at a school that I really don’t feel has my best interest in mind. Heck, for crying out loud, I had to bring it to the attention of my previous professor that a fellow student had literally copied and pasted her discussion post directly from Wikipedia. Including the hyperlinks. Seriously. Then I had to remind my professor AGAIN a few weeks later that the same student was plagiarizing. However, I am nearing the end. Only one more course after I finish my current one. But, that begs the question, Then What?
Image result for plagiarism
I have a few ideas that I want to pursue. I currently work as a freelance writer, which allows me some flexibility in my schedule. This is how I have been able to walk the dogs for about 90 minutes total each day, which is good not only for them, but for myself too. Not only does walking help to tire out the pups, but walking, in conjunction with other measures, has allowed me to steadily lose weight, with my current loss standing at 91 pounds (41 kg) over the past two years.
Image result for weight loss
As you can see, my days are quite busy. However, upon graduation, I will have a bit more time to explore additional avenues. One such possible venture will be able to be an outlet of sorts, while also using my academic achievements, as well as my personal achievements. Still a bit to figure out, but I will try to be a bit more consistent in sharing with you via my blog. You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram.
Let me know if you have any time management tips that you’d like to share. Also, feel free to share this blog on your social media sites. I’d love to hear from you!

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