Thursday, August 7, 2014

PiYo Fun

Well, this week I started the BeachBody PiYo workout program, as I just HAD to do something since my body has changed (for the worse) and the programs I usually do, I am currently unable to complete. Long story short, I had back surgery a few (okay, closer to 10) years ago. I tried to “walk off” two herniated discs. Can you say “STUBBORN?” Yeah. So, a few months ago, it started to act up again, to the point where if I lie down, it is an ordeal to get back up again. We even purchased a new mattress topper (with gel on one side, which is nice in the Texas heat), but that is like putting a band-aid on an amputated limb.
I have completed three of the PiYo workouts so far, and while there is still some discomfort (Ok, more like screaming out loud, sharp pains that almost buckle my knees), it is getting better. I still have to take some Back and Body caplets, use a heat pack in the morning and occasionally throughout the day, as well as Icy Hot or Tiger Balm, but I am determined to get better...or die trying.

I am not affiliated with BeachBody, but I have completed a number of programs. If you have a question, feel free to ask. If I don’t have the answer, I may know where to find it.

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