Friday, June 23, 2017

Life's Annoyances

Wait, can this be real? Is this two posts on this blog in the same week? Back to back? Wow. That is quite impressive. Today went better than yesterday, as I have not broken anything...yet. The only frustrations I have experienced today pertained to the heat, as it was nearing triple digits by 10 this morning. This made our morning walks a little sticky and I made sure all of the pups were doing alright. Three of our dogs get about a mile walk, with our oldest pup doing between ½ to ¾ of a mile, at a slower pace. Didn’t run into any dogs off leash, which was nice. I wish that people would think about the impact that they have on the lives of others, including the lives of animals.

This leads into my view on my diet. I went gluten-free at the suggestion of my primary care provider when we were discussing my psoriasis and IBS symptoms. That was about two years ago and I haven’t had any gluten-containing products and I have noticed a change in my health. At the beginning of this year, I went vegan. This wasn’t a new thing for me, as I went lacto-ovo vegetarian in my teens and remained one for over a decade. However, this year was the first time I went completely vegan. I like knowing that my choices don’t cause the deaths of others, especially since I am an animal lover who has five dogs and a newly acquired rescue turtle name Harold.

The only real annoyances that I have experienced today was the washing machine a few minutes ago. It has a tendency to “walk” during the spin cycle. I adjusted the levelling feet, again, and after yelling, “Fucking piece of shit. Why don’t you fucking work?!” I ran it through a spin cycle, after removing the sopping wet towels. The cycle completed fine and I put the wet towels back in and, it appears that my words of encouragement worked. When I buy something, I expect it to work. When it doesn’t, it really annoys me to the point of lashing out in physical violence, but never at living things, but rather at the washing machine or heavy bag.

I really think the heat has something to do with my general level of annoyance, as there is no way to escape the heat. Sure, inside it is relatively comfortable since we have the swamp cooler Master Cool going, but using it makes me think of all the money that will be going to the utility company for the water and electricity that makes it run. However, it is currently 105℉, which is quite far from my personal comfort temperature of 70℉. In the winter, you can put clothes on if you are cold. However, in the summer, at least here in the desert, there’s nothing you can really do to escape the heat. I enjoy spending time outside, but not in this weather!

Work can be annoying too, especially when clients don’t really know what they want and they expect me to basically pull information out of my butt. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. Only one thing comes out of there, and it’s not data. I have a couple of work projects that I picked up today, which is nice, considering I am saving up to buy a new phone to replace the one that I broke yesterday. I also have a few personal projects in the work that really need my attention. Lots of things, only one me.

Upon writing out the annoyances, I realized that many of them are out of my control, such as dogs off leash, the temperature in the MF’ing desert (don’t worry, we are working on moving in the next year or two), and the ineptitude of some clients. If I just accept that I don’t have the power or responsibility to change them, along with a few deep breaths, it will all be OK. Hopefully.

How do you deal with minor or major annoyances? Any tips? If so, feel free to leave them in the comments. It might help me or others learn how to cope with these irritations in life.

See you tomorrow*

*most likely, but no promises

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