Monday, July 8, 2013

Another Experience to Add to my Life

Well, this weekend brought about another first for meand I have learned from it too. I signed up through a temp agency to work at a “big box store” in a warehouse, working in the inbound department. What I did was basically sort and label boxes of things. On my feet for 12 hours, walking on concrete, unpacking pallets of boxes that came into the warehouse, throwing (literally) the boxes onto a conveyor belt, then for those items that did not have a “conveyable” sticker, I had to unroll the SKU and routing stickers, placing them on each package.
About halfway through the day, my body wanted to quit on me. There was mental fatigue as well as physical. I think the mental fatigue occurred due to so many ineffective methods being used and trying to make sense of it, which seemed to be illogical. And while I enjoy physical activity, I am not sure my back (with degenerative discs) would hold up for an extended period of time, sorting and throwing boxes that weighed between 20 and 60 pounds for about 34 hours per week.
I also didn’t like being cut off from the rest of the world, as I was not allowed to bring my cell phone with me onto the warehouse floor. It’s not that I would be busy texting or on Twitter, but I rather enjoy reading the news and knowing what’s going on. I also enjoy using my brain rather than relying on my body, especially if I can think of a better way to do something.
I realized after the first day that the job was not for me. I enjoy writing and research, as well as feeling that I have accomplished something at the end of the day. I didn’t get that feeling working at the warehouse. I do however, get that feeling when I write. Sure, there’s a bit of stress involved when you have to rely on yourself and the possibility that clients will need help on assignments and projects, but I find that to be a stress I can handle. I like the freedom it allows too. My writing jobs continue to roll in, and while I may not be able to become rich off of it right now, I enjoy it and it pays enough to address my needs.

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