Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fitness Rant and Motivation Differences

I have been on my fitness journey for a while now…about two years or so. I guess I am a late-comer to the whole thing, but at least I am here and on a mission. I have learned a lot over the past two years, about health, fitness, nutrition, and most importantly, myself. A lot of people workout in order to look good for X, Y, and/or Z…be it a bikini, vacation, or other sort of event. While I am not saying that they are wrong, for their motivation and goals are their own…but that is most certainly NOT why I do what I do.

So, why do I do it? Why do I push myself past my comfort zone? Why do I eat healthy food? Why do I not follow the “typical American diet?” Frankly, in part because someone once told me I couldn’t do any of it. I enjoy the challenge. And while I will never come face to face with the person who told me I couldn’t, knowing that I am able to push myself and conquer some of my fears, well, that is worth the sweat and discomfort. And then some.

As some are motivated to look good, I am motivated to feel good. Sure, I may be sore (as I am currently experiencing the after-effects of a good couple of workouts this week already), but it’s a good sore…a sore that many people try to avoid like the plague. I have turned my living room into my jungle gym, with over 400 pounds of weights, assorted medicine and stability balls, various elastic bands, a Smith machine and a pull-up station. I also have completed many at-home workout programs: Insanity, Insanity: The Asylum (Volumes I and II), P90X, P90X2, and Les Mills Combat. 

I am currently in the first week of the newest addition: TapOutXT. While I am finding decent calorie burns as a result of this program, there are many things lacking. First off, I am so glad that I know about proper form and technique, as this system is quite piss poor in that area…it shows fit looking people performing lunges in a dangerous manner, squats that are just barely a bend, swayed backs, and just a general disdain for proper form. I can only imagine the injuries that people who are less familiar with the movements will sustain, thus preventing them from reaching their fitness goals.

Another thing I don’t like about this workout program is the “host,” as I find him to be rather douchey and annoying. He too has bad form and keeps talking about how people want to “look good” and “have a TapOut body.” Um, I’d rather he shut his mouth, pay attention to form, and teach rather than flex. The videos are also poor quality, not synced up, and the lack of music makes it seem to last forever. Perhaps my dislike of the program has to do with my motivation and goes back to why I do what I do…not to look good, but to feel strong and capable, both mentally and physically. I shall continue this program, trying to overlook the shortcomings and use my knowledge to help in preventing injury. If anything, it serves as an example of what NOT to do.

I have 102 days left until I complete my second Tough Mudder…

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