Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Swole Girl!

Some workouts make me feel like a puddle of primordial ooze, while others leave me feeling like a super hero. I can do the same workout and have both of those reactions, so it is not so much what I do, but rather why and what I have in my head during the time…I think. The luxury of building a gym in one’s living room is that it affords the time, convenience, and doesn’t really require “appropriate” attire. While I know that not all 30-somethings have a smith machine, over 300 pounds in plates, dumbbells that go up to over 55 pounds each, kettlebells, medicine balls, a pull-up station and various other accoutrements, I do…and I love it.

With my schedule, it is challenging at times to juggle work, school and training, but when something is important to you…you find a way. Yes, recurring 12+ hour shifts does take a drain on the psyche, but I find that my friend iron assists in recharging my sanity. I had a couple of weeks (after my Tough Mudder) where I had to focus on allowing my body to heal after taxing it greatly, which I found fucked with my head (for lack of a better term). Taking on new responsibilities at work also depleted my sanity, which is not good for anyone…my clients nor myself.

My boss recognized that I was a little stressed (no duh…) and was able to adjust the schedule so I wasn’t working 6-7 days in a row. A day off or two is all I really need per week, but sometimes it’s a challenge to make that happen. Heck, even if I do have a day off, it is usually filled with trying to cram as much into it as possible (all my assignments for the entire week, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc), so it isn’t much of a relaxing time. That of course implies that I know what it is like to relax, which I don’t. I do believe I was born without said gene.

So, chicken is thawing so I can brine and bake, veggies are portioned and ready to go, protein bars are cooked, and supplements are stacked. Getting back on track, so I can succeed in all aspects of my life.

I snagged the following 4-minute workout from @FitnessLeak. I use an interval timing app (Interval Timer AD) on my phone that assists greatly:

  • Burpees (20 seconds)
  • Rest (10 seconds)
  • Mountain Climbers (20 seconds)
  • Rest (10 seconds)
  • High Knees (20 seconds)
  • Rest (10 seconds)
  • Jumping Jacks (20 seconds)
  • Rest (10 seconds)
  • Repeat
The upper body workout that followed consisted of (each for 3 sets of 8 reps at max weight with good form):

  • Bench press
  • Lawn Mowers
  • Skull Crushers
  • Chest Fly
  • Tricep Kickbacks
  • Bicep Curl (with a pinky twist at the apex)
  • Pull-up (varying hand positions each set)

I can feel myself getting stronger, but I know there is room for improvement. I push myself so I can accomplish my goals and lose myself in PASSION! 

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