Sunday, July 22, 2012

Holy Fuck...So This Is 35?!?!

It is my birthday and I will reflect if I want to! Reflect if I want to! Reflect if I want to! You would reflect too if it happened to you!

I know I have not posted in a bit…life has a way of filling up all of your waking (as well as sleeping) time. Often I find that I do not take the time to think about the things that have happened in my life, instead just moving forward, on to the next thing I need to complete or conquer. Unless it is one of the things that haunt my mind…they like to hang out for a while.

Most people set aside some time during the end of the year to reflect, but why not on birthdays. Unless you were born on New Year’s Eve, then that does not accurately mark a year of your life. So I will take this time to reflect upon the last 365 days. Many things have happened during this time, both good and bad…all learning experiences.

In the past year I have:

  • Been laid off
  • Graduated from college with my BS degree in psychology
  • Worked in the field where I was subjected to physical, verbal and emotional abuse
  • Fired due to my inability to retrieve a child from a tree
  • Began a daily email exchange with a friend across the pond
  • Started this blog
  • Added more muscle and reduced my fat percentage
  • Had bouts of depression
  • Battled suicidal thoughts
  • While not officially, figured out what the fuck is wrong with me (kind of, a little bit...okay, I'm still fucked in the head)
  • Almost became homeless
  • Worked at a quarry
  • Worked at a home improvement store as hired muscle
  • Found a job in the field where I am thriving
  • Started grad school
  • Wear a bathing suit for work on occasion
  • Graduated to a smart phone
Therefore, it has been an eventful year. I hope the next one has less twists and turns, but I know that I can handle the curve balls of life. (he he...balls)

1 comment:

  1. I love your undying natural warrior spirit. Never stop! :)
