Monday, April 2, 2012

It's Official...

So, I guess I am blogging now. Well, I guess it had to happen eventually. When contemplating what I was going to write about, who the heck would read my inner ramblings (which frankly I wish I could escape myself), and how much I would share, I quickly found myself scared out of my mind. My thoughts are often racing and scattered, warped, not always the happiest and quite often odd. Perhaps that is exactly why I should share them with others, as it may assist in developing a sense of unity for those who find themselves amongst the Land of Misfit Toys.

When I posited the question about blogging to some, they gave me tips and pointers about what would constitute a “successful” blog, mainly writing about children and food…well, that kind of sucks since I have a general dislike for kids and my food tastes are not exactly the typical “American” fare. Good thing I am not looking to be a successful blogger then, as if that was my goal, I would certainly fail.

I had never thought of my ideas as unique or odd, until I started to share them with others. These instances do not occur that often, as I often keep a distance from people and find myself preferring the company of animals to most humans. During those rare times where I do share more than just what comprises the surface of my being, most often the response is something along the lines of, “Wow, I have never met someone like you.” Well, I am not quite sure how to interpret that, as I have never met a purple Leprechaun who was riding a unicorn, nor a serial killer either (or at least not that I know of). 

I often think of myself as hummus. Yes, hummus. I know what you are probably thinking right now… “What is she babbling about now? How can someone be like a Middle East chickpea dip?” No, I’m not a mind reader, just familiar with the reaction (or am I???). Well, I happen to be a huge fan of hummus…all kinds, garlic, roasted pepper, olive, traditional, and spicy as well. But, as I have observed, hummus is not for everyone and some may like certain aspects or flavors. In that way, I am like hummus…not for everyone, sometimes a taste that takes time to develop in order to appreciate or others just like right from the start.

So, there’s my little introduction as to a brief look at who I am and why I am here…read at your own discretion. I am not sure exactly how this will evolve, but I intend to write on a regular basis, slowly revealing a bit more as time passes. I will also post some recipes…for that demographic I suppose. Feel free to ask any questions…

Thanks again for reading. 

1 comment:

  1. Hon, I as a blog reader do not want "unique"
    but someone I have a connection with
