Thursday, November 10, 2016

Trump is #notmypresident

People say that the “tolerant lefties” are showing a lot of hate after the election. The racists were butt hurt after Obama was elected President, but we are angry at the fact that a racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, fear mongering blowhard is now going to be in charge of the United States for the next four years. 
Image result for fear mongering

His VP choice also supports electrocuting gay and lesbian people to “cure the gayness” out of them through conversion therapy practices, which has been deemed to be dangerous (mentally and physically) by the American Psychological Association (as well as unnecessary, as being gay or lesbian is not an illness to cure). 

An article written by Sacks (2011) states that some of the treatment used in conversion therapy includes: “psychoanalytic therapy, prayer and spiritual interventions, electric shock, nausea inducing drugs, hormone therapy, surgery, and behavioral treatments, including masturbatory reconditioning, rest, visits to prostitutes, and excessive bicycle riding.”

Image result for conversion therapy pence

See, there is a difference in our anger. He divided us before he even was elected, now he’s preaching that we need to come together. He is the one that gave the white nationalists their blowhard voice piece that is now preaching peace? I believe in him and his empty words just about as much as I believe in God…

This is just the beginning. What side of history do you want to be on? The side that preaches hate and intolerance, or the side that truly believes in being kind to one another, no matter what color, sexual orientation, or religion one subscribes to? It’s your choice. Choose wisely.

Image result for first they came for


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